Thrive Themes Headline Optimizer, A Review

Did you know that the headline of your blog post will only give you about 2.6 seconds to capture your readers attention? Basically, five times more people will read your headline than will read your body copy. There is so much competition for your readers attention, that if you do not have a compelling headline, your visitor will leave before reading your content.

Time is Precious


Think about how much time you invest in researching the content for your blog before you sit down to write it. No matter how good your content is, if you don’t have a good headline, no one will see your content. How much time do you spend on creating your headline? I would guess you spend more time on content research and writing than you do on creating a great headline.


A boring headline will cause your visitors to leave before they read the great content that you spent all that time researching and writing. However, a great headline will get you readers, comments and shares of your post. Ultimately, that is what we are after.

Split Test Always

Successful Companies…

All of the big, successful companies spend a lot of time on testing their headlines. They do A/B split testing. They will test multiple headlines against each other with the same content. They will drop off the non-performing headlines until they have a winner, and then they will promote the heck out of it.

Benefits Of The Thrive Themes Headline Optimizer…

With this tool, you will be able to enter multiple headlines into your article and they will test against each other. They will rank each headline and tell you which headline is the best with a score. Another benefit of this tool is that you can go to your past post and test out your headline and see if you can find a better one than you had in the original post. This will allow you to re-purpose your old post to see if you get better engagement with another headline.

I am a firm believer in Thrive Themes. This new tool just makes them even better! If you want better headlines to increase your engagement, Thrive Themes Headline Optimizer is for you.

To your success,

Roy Miller



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