Thrive Themes Home Pages

How Can I Use Thrive Themes To Create A Highly Converting Home Page?

Did you know that the home page of your website or blog is the most important page that you can have?

In Thrive Themes, you have many options for the page layout of your website or blog. 

There Are Four Basic Types Of Home Pages…

1.  The Offer Focused Home Page

The offer focused home page usually has a logo and navigation in the title bar. There will be a headline that explains your “unique selling proposition”, or “USP”. You will also have a text box that contains content to describe your offer. There will be a graphic of your ebook or free report. There will also be an email submit form, and a call to action button. There will be another text box with more information by the author to explain why you should sign up for the offer. It will link to a website or blog. It is almost a squeeze page.

2.  The Personal Branding Focused Home Page

The personal focused home page will have a picture of the author and a headline. It will usually have a logo too. There will be text to describe what the site is about. There will be social media proof and testimonials to help build trust.You will have a 2-step opt-in form.There will be an about the author text box. There will be a sign up form, and a link to read the blog.



3.  The Content Focused Home Page

There will be a logo, a navigation bar, and a headline. There will be a call to action button with a 2-step opt-in. There will be a gallery of the latest post. There will be an about the author box. You will have social media proof and testimonials. You will also have a subscribe box.

4.  The Hybrid Home Page

Basically, the hybrid home page is a combination of all of these. There will be a headline with a large image. There will be a paragraph to explain your website or blog. You will have a 2-step opt-in, a benefit section, recent articles, and a post gallery. This will help establish your brand.There will be an about the author box. You will have social proof and testimonials.

What Can Thrive Themes Do For Me?

The beautiful thing about Thrive Themes is that they have templates that you can edit and customize everything in the Thrive Themes Content Builder.

To your Success,



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