What Is Holding You Back? Get Your Success in 2016

As we begin the New Year, many of us will make “New Years Resolutions.” They can range anywhere from losing weight, improving their relationships, finding a better job, or any number of other things. Many of us who are in the online marketing business will also make some “New Years Resolutions.” We want to increase our sales, build a bigger list, or perhaps start Facebook advertising. 

The interesting question that I have to ask myself is “what am I going to do this year that I did not do last year?” With the New Year upon us, I think it is time to reflect on last year, and see what I can improve on for this year.


Everyone wants to be successful. The question you have to ask yourself is “what are you willing to do to become successful?” Are you willing to learn, are you willing to work, are you willing to keep going, no matter what? Success is a learned skill. One way to achieve it is to always give value to other people. Give them something that will help them to change their lives. The more you give, the more you will get.

What Is Holding You Back? Get Your Success in 2016

Just Take Action!


Are you guilty of using excuses for not doing what it takes? Excuses are just a way for you to not do something. An escape clause, if you will. A safety net. You must change your thinking from “I can’t to I can.”


There is so much information out there, that it is easy to be overwhelmed. I know that for me, I was so overwhelmed at times, I would just give up. Don’t let that happen to you. You just have to take small pieces and work through them.


DAMS- A Way To Success

Fear of Failure…

I believe that this is one of the things that hold most people back. So what if you fail. The world will not end. Step back, look at what you did. Figure out what you could do differently, better, more efficiently. Make some small tweaks and move forward. Another way to look at, is just keep failing forward until you succeed!


This is one that I was guilty of. I would get frustrated because I could not get something to work, and I would quit. I would wait weeks to try again. Time is our most precious commodity. What time we lose, we never get back. Do not put off whatever it is that is holding you back. Ask questions, read books, get in forums, get coaching, do whatever it takes to get moving forward. You must take regular, consistent action.


The Success Mindset…

Have Certainty…

Know deep down in your soul that you can and will do this.

Have Clarity…

Be clear with your goals. Know what you want to achieve. Have an action plan to follow to accomplish those goals.

Be Confident…

Take action everyday. Know that you are moving forward to achieving success.

Have Courage…

Be willing to put yourself out there. Have the courage to make a mistake. Have the courage to ask for help. Have the courage not to quit.


Have Conviction…

Have the conviction to hang in there, even when you don’t think you can. You can. Have the conviction that you are going to succeed, no matter what it takes.

Have Passion…

Passion is that burning desire to achieve your goals. That deep down feeling in your very core to get the success that you want.

Have Belief In Yourself…

Believe that you can do it. Do not let past setbacks cause you to doubt yourself. Know that you can do it.

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My latest success- from zero to 592 natural likes within 3 months- Take action make your goals happen.


A Personal Story About Me…

When I was going through the Quick Start Challenge last summer, I had many challenges. I did not know how to build a blog, or how to make a video and put it on You Tube. Those were some of the challenges. I will be perfectly honest with you, that You Tube challenge scared the @&%$ out of me. I almost quit because of it. I was literally sick at my stomach at the thought of it. We had a week to do it. I considered quitting for the whole week. I have studied online marketing, bought numerous products and took very little action. For some reason, I thought that The Quick Start Challenge was the answer to my really getting started with online marketing. On Saturday morning, (the next part of the challenge started on Monday) I took my Iphone and recorded a video. I was worried about how I looked, how I sounded, was the light right, what would people think about it, etc. Ok, I did the video. Now came the upload to You Tube. I had no clue. I went online to You Tube and to Google to see if I could learn how to do it. If you have an Iphone and a Mac computer, it is easy. However, I have a PC. I spent all day Saturday and Sunday trying to figure it out. I was so frustrated, that I posted in the Facebook Group that I would have to quit because I could not figure it out. Several members told me not to quit, and they tried to help me. Little did I know, because I had more than one Gmail address, I was uploading my video to an address that I had not used in a while. So while I thought the video was not uploading, because I could not see it on the channel I was looking at. I had uploaded it multiple times to an old email address that I was not using.

The Takeaway…

Even though I had no idea what to do or how to do it, I stuck with it and learned as I went. I also got some coaching. Did I make mistakes, of course. I just learned and kept going. You can too. Now, I place a video in all of my post. It helps people get to know, like and trust me.

To your success,


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