
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Boom- My First High Ticket Sale

Everyone who enters the internet marketing arena is always looking for their first sale. Sometimes that sale comes fairly quickly, and most of the time, it comes way down the road. I have spent more than five years trying to get this internet marketing thing down. I have purchased ebooks, courses, attended webinars, seminars and workshops. There is so much information out there and it is changing every day. 

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What Is Holding You Back? Get Your Success in 2016

As we begin the New Year, many of us will make “New Years Resolutions.” They can range anywhere from losing weight, improving their relationships, finding a better job, or any number of other things. Many of us who are in the online marketing business will also make some “New Years Resolutions.” We want to increase our sales, build a bigger list, or perhaps start Facebook advertising. 

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Baby Boomers And Social Media

8,000 to 10,000 Baby Boomers Per Day Are Turning 65 Years Old…

That being said, that does not mean that they want you to consider them to be old.

One way to look at this is to remember when you were 20-years old. You probably thought that someone that was 65-years old, was really old. When you were 40-years old, being 65-years old didn’t seem that old. However, when you are 65-years old, you don’t feel old at all!

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The Quick Start Challenge, Week Four

Hеrе wе go with the Quісk Stаrt Chаllеngе Rеvіеw

Hеrе іѕ the fourth аmаzіng wееk nоw аvаіlаblе fоr уоu

Week Four…

We have made it to the final week. It has been a frustrating, an intensive, and exciting four weeks. To see where we are now, compared to where we started is amazing.

What are we all searching for in this Challenge?

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The Quick Start Challenge, Week Three

Here we go with the Quick Start Challenge Review- if you have missed Part 1 or 2, here you can read it on

Part1 :

Part2 :

And here is the third amazing week now available for you

Week Three…

We are passed the halfway point in the Quick Start Challenge. So far, we have gotten a domain name, set up a hosting account, and have a blog. We have also learned about traffic, both free and paid.

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